New Frame Creative was hired in 2024 to create a fully rebuilt and redesigned website for the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee. The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college on campus with the most majors and career paths. Their existing website was difficult to navigate and had become bloated over the years, creating an experience that was not very friendly for potential students looking for a program of study during their time at UT. New Frame Creative met with the College Deans, communications team, and key stakeholders to create a new Site Map that would completely revamp the user experience. The new website makes it easy for both future and current students to quickly find needed information. The new website also brings the College of Arts and Sciences to the forefront of UT colleges, being one of the first colleges on campus to move to UT’s latest brand and design standards.
New Frame Creative has completed over 25 website projects across the UT campus, including new websites for the College of Nursing, the College of Music, and the Clarence Brown Theater.